Scenic speech

Today, scenic  speech is an important component of all the programs of teaching acting skills without exception. This is one of the professional means of expression of the actor.  Through the skill of speech, the actor transmits the inner world, social, psychological, national, domestic character traits to the viewer. 

Scenic speech is one of the key subjects in our school. Scenic speech is equally useful not only for future actors and performers, but for models, businessmen, politicians, public figures and others specialists working in areas directly related to communication. 

Voice and speech is a flexible, multifunctional tool that serves both informative and expressive purposes. Scenic speech classes help you to make your speaking voice sound better so that people want to listen. 

Do you want your voice to be more smooth, attractive and clear? Our teachers will help with that. If you want to  learn as quickly as possible how to use your voice and improve your diction, just perform our simple scenic speech exercises every day. It won’t take you long, but it will have the desired effect.

For a beautiful voice breathing is as important as a clear diction. That’s why during classes our students not only learn tongue twisters and read the texts aloud with expression, but also have breathing exercises.

The lessons are quite simple. Our teachers use different teaching methods depending on student’s age.  They have two priorities:

  • Strengthening and development of the vocal apparatus; 
  • Voice gap analusis and setting exercise plan for correction. 

Be ready to study and practice a lot. Show persistence and pretty soon your oratory skills will surprise everyone around you!



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